Discover resources available to our donor families for honoring loved ones who shared the gift of life.


From table to table and heart to heart


Food is powerful! It is a language that speaks to the heart and soul and brings people together. Through the kindness of our donor families who have so thoughtfully shared their loved one’s stories and special recipes with us, Recipes of Remembrance has become the plate upon which the power of generosity and food are served.

“If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him … the people who give you their food give you their heart.” – Caesar Chavez


On Wednesday, Feb. 28th, the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division (ADOT MVD) Tucson East Office held a “Donor Day” inspired potluck. Staff members cooked recipes from the Recipes of Remembrance cookbook to share with one another. What a beautiful way to see organ donation and registration come full circle!


More than 95% of Arizonans currently registered as an organ and tissue donor made their decision while visiting an MVD or authorized third-party services office. Arizona’s driver license partners truly “drive” registrations, and we are grateful to see their dedication to honoring those who have made the decision to share the gift of life!


Help us honor and remember our donor heroes by cooking a recipe from our annual Recipes of Remembrance cookbook. We encourage you to share the recipes you have made on social media with the hashtag #RecipesofRemembrance so we can all share those memories together.

Find recipes for breakfast, starters, soup and chili, main dishes, sides and treats below. Click here see past copies of the Recipes of Remembrance cookbook. 

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